News and Events
Hatzolah Members To Intern At St. Mary’s General Hospital
In August four members of Hatzolah of Passaic-Clifton will begin their 200 Clinical Intern hours at St. Mary’s General Hospital as part of their Paramedic Certification education program at National Medical Education & Training Center. Read the article here
Hatzlah of Passaic / Clifton EMS Attends Pediatric Spinal Immobilization Class
On Wednesday, June 10, 2009, Bais Torah U’Tefilah once again provided the location for a very important and informative class on Pediatric Spinal Immobilization. Unlike a regular municipal EMS system, a large percentage of calls that Hatzolah responds to is for pediatric patients. Many of those calls involve falls and immobilization. Dr. Michael Rosen, Director of Pediatrics at Newark’s Beth Israel Hospital and Hatzolah’s Medical Director, gave the class.
Second Annual Passaic – Clifton Community Wide Health and Safety Fair – June 7, 2009
On Sunday, June 7, 2009, Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS and the Bikur Cholim of Passaic-Clifton once again hosted a Health and Safety Fair for the community. Crowd estimates ranged from 1500-2000 attendees. Attendees were able to browse more than 30 booths relating to their personal health and safety. Many health screenings were provided free of charge, such as vision, glucose, dental, scoliosis, blood pressure and more. There were even booths dealing with computer/internet safety! Children received balloons and everyone was able to enjoy free healthy snacks- bottled water, fresh fruit and hot popcorn. For a full report and photos, click here.
Hatzolah of Passaic / Clifton EMS attends full day EVOC Course
On Sunday May 3rd, all the members of Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS completed an Emergency Vehicle Operators Course. This training course, offered and mandated by our insurance company, provided our members with valuable guidelines, rules, and procedures in how to safely operate vehicles in emergency mode, when responding to calls for help. The lessons learned will be applied by the members, both when responding in their private vehicles as well as with the ambulances. The classroom lecture portion was followed by hands-on driving of the ambulances through multiple maneuvers. Everyone came away with valuable lessons, tools and knowledge that will help us better serve our community safely.
Hatzolah would like to thank the following individuals for ensuring this course be as successful as it was:
- Mr. Robert L. Pardy – Course Instructor
- Rabbi Heshie Hirth – For allowing us to use the YKP Preschool for the classroom portion
- Mr. Betzalel Wagner – For allowing us to use his parking lot for the driving portion
- Mr. Eli Klein (P-18)/Rainbow Appliances and Mr. Hymie Gluck/Bagel Munch – for providing Breakfast
- Mr. Teddy Cohen/Jerusalem Pizza- for providing Lunch
Purim Awareness Campaign
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS placed ads in numerous online and print venues (Around Town and Jewish Local Pages) to promote awareness about safety on Purim.
Shiurim and Training
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS volunteer responders and dispatchers gather on a regular basis for Shiurim in Hilchos Shabbos, Continuing Education and dispatching classes. Additionally the Executive Board of Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS meets on a continuing basis.
Hatzolah Pitches In
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS is proud to participate in the weekly Yiddle League games which take place every Sunday throughout the Summer at the Clifton Y. As hundreds of youngsters participate, it is important that medical assistance be readily available if the need CH”V arises.
YBH of Passaic Hachnosas Sefer Torah
Yeshiva Beis Hillel of Passaic (YBH) recently completed the writing of a new Sefer Torah, and held the Hachnosos Sefer Torah on Memorial Day, May 26, 2008. Many community members attended.
To ensure the health and safety of parade participants, YBH officials requested assistance from Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS. Hatzolah was pleased to have a standby ambulance on-site throughout the festivities, and two members to monitor the crowd, in cooperation with the Passaic Police Department.
Managing Stress, Diet, and Exercise Lecture
Dr. Alan Rozanski spoke about his approach to promoting health and vitality in today’s stressful, fast-paced world. This lecture was arranged by Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS and the Bikur Cholim of Passaic-Clifton.
The lecture took place on Tuesday, July 29, at 8 PM, at Bais Torah Utefilah (BTU) and was attended by a large crowd. Dr Rozanski provided a very educational and entertaining lecture which held the audience spellbound.
Dr. Rozanski,a noted cardiologist, is on the faculty of Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is an attending cardiologist at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital. Dr. Rozanski has published extensively in the field of nuclear cardiology, and has been the principal investigator in numerous major national and international trials. He is involved in ongoing research regarding the effects of the regression of coronary artery disease through diet and/or lipid lowering drugs.
The lecture is part of a regular program of health initiatives, presented jointly by Bikur Cholim and Hatzolah, to the Passaic and Clifton communities.
Epinephrine (EpiPens) Administration
Hatzolah is a volunteer, life-saving organization, composed of neighbors, co-workers, fellow Shul members and acquaintances always there when you need them and always willing to provide assistance. One of our priorities is ongoing Halachik and Medical Education training. Recently, New Jersey allowed EMT’s (Emergency Medical Technicians), to administer Epinephrine in certain scenarios to victims of Anaphylactic Shock (Allergic Reaction). In the past EMT’s had to wait for ALS (Advanced Life Support) to provide this life saving intervention. New Jersey required an intensive full day course on Epinephrine’s administration. Hatzolah jumped at this new opportunity to save lives, and the course was set up immediately.
Simchas Bais Hashoeivah for the Members of Hatzolah
On Chol Hamoed Succos, Hatzolah Coordinator Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter hosted a Simchas Bais Hashoeivah for the members and dispatchers of Hatzolah. Harav Nosson Weissman Shlita, Mashgiach of Yeshiva Gedola of Passaic, delivered Divrei Brocha.
Hatzolah visits Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic Pre-School Again
Hatzolah visited the Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic’s Pre-School division to help the kinderlach learn about the letter “Hey.” The children, accompanied by their Morahs, came out and received a grand tour of the ambulance (P-01) . On hand from Hatzolah were Rabbis Moshe Perlmutter and Heshy Cohen. The members took the opportunity to provide some safety tips to the children.
Continuing Education – Start Triage
In a continuing effort to provide top notch training and education for the members of Hatzolah so they can be prepared, Hackensack University provided a class on Start Triage. Triage is the method used to determine priority patients in a mass casualty incident lo aleinu. Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton would like to thank Mr. Glenn MacDonald of Hackensack University Medical Center for arranging this particular class at no cost to Hatzolah. Dinner was provided by Glatt Mart and hosted by Bais Medrash Zichron Eliezer.
Hilchos Shabbos Shiur from Rabbi Heshy Kleinman
Hatzolah members were priveliged to attend a Shiur on Hilchos Shabbos and Pikuach Nefesh from Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, a longtime member of Flatbush Hatzoloh and their Halachik liasion. While the Piskei Halacha that Flatbush Hatzoloh follow are not always the same Piskei Halacha that Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS follows, almost all of the scenarios are the same. Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS is committed to constantly enhancing the Halachik knowledge of our first responders, as well as ensuring that our level of care is in line with the latest techniques in emergency medicine.
Hatzolah Takes Delivery on Two Brand New Stretchers
Hatzolah recently took delivery on two brand new Ferno 35x ProFlexx stretchers. These stretchers are the latest and best in providing added stability and ease of lifting and loading ability; both very important safety functions.
One stretcher was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Zahler in memory of Mr. Sy Kraut A”H. The second stretcher was donated by Moshe and Tifarah Stareshefsky in memory of Moshe’s grandparents, Joe and Lil Stareshefsky A”H, who were longtime members of the Passaic community.
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS vs. Passaic Police on the Baseball Diamond
Very often Hatzolah members and Passaic Police Officers interact on the streets of Passaic while on calls. On Wednesday, September 12, they interacted on the baseball field for a night of fun. The softball game took place on under the lights at 3rd Ward Park. While Hatzolah came out in the lead first, it was the Police department that took the win after 9 innings of play.
All around the Hatzolah members and their families and the Police officers and their families had a great time. It was also a pleasure to have Mayor Dr. Alex Blanco and Assemblyman and Passaic City Council President Gary Schaer stop by and participate in the cheering.
The event (t-shirts, food and more) were graciously sponsored by Rothenberg Law Firm ( We hope to have similar events in the future. Below are many pictures that were taken before, during and after the game.
Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter Addresses Meor U
Rabbi Aaron Eisenmann of Meor U – The University Jewish Experience (New York University) invited Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter and Moshe Raider of Hatzolah to speak to the Meor U Shabbaton attendees about what Hatzolah does, as part of a showcase on Chesed in the Passaic/Clifton Community. After Rabbi Perlmutter addressed the audience, the students had a chance to ask some questions and take a tour of the ambulance.
Hatzolah Members Attend CPR and Skills Refresher
On two recent Sundays, members of Hatzolah gathered to refresh some very important skills. On the first Sunday, April 28, at Bais Medrash Zichron Eliezer, Hatzolah members gathered for a CPR refresher class. The class was organized and given by David Blumenthal. On the second Sunday, June 16, at Kehillas Beis Sholom, Hatzolah members gathered for a training/refresher on other important EMS skills. Some of those skills included stabilizing and splinting a bone or joint injury and proper methods to stabilize and safely remove a motor vehicle accident victim from a vehicle. The course was organized by the coordinators. David Blumenthal ran the splinting section inside and Moshe Stareshefsky ran the MVA section in the parking lot. Photo credits to Rabbi Moshe Perlmutter and Moshe Stareshefsky.
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS Takes Delivery of Brand New Ambulance
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS recently took delivery of a brand new 2013 Horton Ambulance. As a way of thanking the members and donors for all the hard work that went into this dream becoming a reality, the Board of Directors of Hatzolah coordinated an event on Sunday of Chol Hamoed. The event included tours of the new bus, snacks, and blow up rides for the children. Moshe Zahler of the Board, addressed the attendees and thanked the donors. The event was sponsored by Dovid Lisker of 8th Day Caterers. Hatzolah thanks all the members, dispatchers and donors for attending this amazing event and for their continued support of the organization.
Hatzolah Members Attend Driving Safety Class
Hatzolah of Passaic/Clifton EMS members recently attended a Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator (CEVO) class on October 24 at the Agudah of Passaic. The purpose of the class was to review and understand the enhanced danger that comes with operating an emergency vehicle. Many of the skills and safety issues discussed are applicable to any driver of any vehicle. The course was given by Raanan Zidile of Tri Boro Driver Rehabilitation and Mobility Services. Mr. Zidile is also a Paramedic for Flatbush Hatzalah and the Citywide Safety Coordinator for all Hatzalah divisions in New York City. A full Chinese dinner was provided for the members.